
He Makes The Most Epic 'Promposal,' But Then She Absolutely Ruins It Without Realizing

Being asked to prom is a big deal, and 18-year-old Daniel Pena clearly understands that. Which is why when Pena decided to ask a girl to prom, he planned an entire "PromPosal." Like, theentire thing.

To start with, Pena put eight posters by the road that read "Alex. Will. You. Marry. LOL Jk. Go To. Prom. With Me." He had her read the posters out loud one by one as they drove past them. He even set up a hidden camera to capture the moment she said "yes."
Oh that's really sweet, you'd think. Well... things didn't go exactly as planned.

We don't want to spoil this for you, but the good stuff comes around the second minute.
This girl is certainly very hard to impress. But at least they'll remember the day for quite a while.
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